So Hayden has his 4 month check-up last friday March 26th. He is now 13lbs 11oz and 24 1/2 inches long. Hayden gained 4 pounds in 2 months..all thanks to baby formula!! Going back to work kinda ruined breastfeeding for me unfortunately so Hayden is lovin the fake stuff. The Dr. also said that his 2 bottom teeth will be coming in soon, which I couldn't believe. So I looked in his mouth for myself and there it was..I could just barley see where his little teeth are coming in. I just got used to him laughing and smiling all the he's getting teeth? Isn't he a little young to be getting teeth? I just need time to slow down a bit..I'm having a hard time with all this change happening so fast..I don't want to miss anything.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hayden-4 months old

Hayden is now 4 months old!! Wow that came quick! He's been rolling over for the last month and is laughing quite a bit, he's getting very good at following me around the room and watching where I go. Hayden is just so cute, we love him so much and he brings us more joy than we could have imagined. We look forward to the months ahead as he continues growing and learning new things. Hayden loves story-time, and his eyes light up when we sing twinkle twinkle little star. He's still getting used to eating cereal and figuring out what his mouth is all about. He loves his bouncy seat and especially loves being in his swing that plays music.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Eating Cereal for the 1st time
So Hayden starting eating rice cereal last friday! I still can't believe he's old enough for that. Since it's his 1st time, I'm feeding him it just once a day for now. It was a happy sad moment for me as I was feeding him I was thinking about how this is such a milestone for hayden, just one of many. Everything goes by so fast, you don't think it will but then that's when it all changes. Hayden has been doing really good with cereal to say that he's very new to it and he's learning quickly that his tongue has yet another purpose..which is to swallow food! I'm again grateful to be with him at home more than before, I love every moment of it and now with him laughing all the time and learning and growing so much everyday-I'm very lucky. I just look forward to the day when I can be at home with him all the time.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Rolling over for the 1st time

Hayden rolled over for the first time on March 3rd..which was the 1st morning of me working part-time at my job. So if I had been working I might have missed it!! I was so happy and excited for his new achievement. After he rolls over he gives me this "what just happened" look that is just priceless, so it's funny that he doesn't quite know what he's done. He keeps changing everyday and is so close to laughing and giggling. I can tell he's right on the verge..he smiles so big and you can tell he wants a big laugh to come out but least not yet. He actually has laughed for my sister-in-law who was watching him a few weeks back but has yet to do it for me and Vic. I've been putting Hayden on his tummy more and more everyday, he so cute looking up at the all toys I put in front of him..he gets better at it everyday too and doesn't cry and much as he did when he first was on his tummy. We look forward to the next milestones like crawling and grabbing for things and holding them consciously in his hand!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hayden...3 months and gowing

So hayden turned 3 months old on Feb.25th. I can't believe it's been 3 months since he was born, how time is quickly passing. Hayden started smiling almost a month ago I think and now he's cooing and trying to talk and laugh. Everyday Hayden is changing and growing. His dark brown hair is going lighter, and we'll see how light it goes. It's a little think on the sides and top, but at least he still has hair- no complaints here. We had Hayden blessed at our old ward 3 weeks ago on Feb.7th. It was such a neat and special experience for us and our whole family, hayden did really well and except from some farting (the mic didn't pick up anything) he was perfect and didn't make a sound. He was getting fussy right before and I was worried that he would be loud and be crying during the whole thing but right before daddy took him he was just chillin and really calm!! Were so happy to have Hayden in our lives, he brings us so much joy and everyday it gets better and better. I can't wait to give him another sibling..well I can wait but really look forward to it.
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